Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 13-Into the Breach

Dear students this has been moved to the following week, as we used the lesson time to work on your videos for the Social Learning Summit. We will pick up with this next week.


Read  Chapter 13 Into the Breach.


Dungeons: We are going on a dungeon together today. Using the dungeon finder select the dungeon your teachers has indicated and prepare for an adventure.


On the second page there are several sound effects. There is a special name for  these kinds of words in English as well as in Spanish. If fact they are very similar. Go online and find out what that is. Define it here in your own words.

When the breaks into Koboi Labs it is similar to a dungeon in WoW. What role does each player in the novel play? If they were WoW characters, what class and/or race would each of them be?

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