Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 2: The Scrolls of Capalla, Going Underground and Fowl is Fair

Here is the work for this week.
Read: the Scrolls of Capalla, and chapters 3 and 4.
Think about the warning in the scrolls and how it is related to the living situation of the fairies.

WoW:  Group quests (If under level 15) and/or dungeon (If you are level 15 or higher). If running a dungeon, use the dungeon finder in your toolbar. For more information on how to participate in a dungeon, click here.

Blog : Record a post that explains what you perceive to be the relationship between the fairies and the mud people(humans). Describe your first group quest/dungeon, and how the various characters and their relationships in your group made a difference.

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