Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 10- Mulch Diggums Homework

Mulch Diggums Wants to destroy the fairies and take control over the city. Mulch Diggums is a very ugly guy who in my opinion I first thought he was a mole his teeth are so bad that I prefer that he don't smile.

Shopping list
- Get better amour
- Get better pets
- Destroy all my enemies
- Have better trainings
- Finish complicated missions
- Have more friends


  1. Wow, Mulch Diggums sounds very ugly indeed. Why does this character want to destroy the fairies and take over the city?
    From your shopping list, which is the item that is most important to complete your next mission in the game?

  2. Well done, your list looks very productive and quite doable.

  3. Thank You Miss GarcĂ­a . My Most important shoping equiptment is . . .

    -To get better amour
    -Finish complicated missions
